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Dibleys win RHS Chelsea Gold
Dibleys win RHSChelsea Gold for display celebrating 200 years of streptocarpus cultivation Streptocarpus rexii was found in Knysna, S. Africa in 1818 by James Bowie, a plant collector for Kew Gardens. That was the start of the cultivation of streptocarpus plants. To celebrate this important bicentenary, Dibleys dedicated part of their Chelsea display this year to the many beautiful and delicate streptocarpus species.
Festival of Gardens at Portmeirion

The North Wales Festival of Gardens will launch this weekend, with eight gardens across North Wales taking part in a special series of events over two weeks. Portmeirion will be marking the event with the launch of the new Tree Trail. The Tree Trail is a guide to 80 trees in the Portmeirion woodlands including 57 Champion Trees with three coloured routes ranging from an easy access 1-hour trail to the more challenging 3-hour trail. A special Tree Trail Guidebook has been developed and is available to purchase from the Portmeirion Welcome Centre. The Festival of Gardens comes at the perfect time to view our Cardiocrinum giganteum (Giant Lilies). This rare plant from the Yunnan Valley in Tibet only flowers every 4-7 years. They will be in full bloom (6-7ft) in mid to late June, and will remain in flower for up to three weeks. Portmeirion boasts one of the finest collections of Himalayan plants and is well known for its collection of rhododendrons, including the Portmeirion Red Rhododendron known as the Gwyllt King (or Kind of the Wildwood). The beautiful rich red late flowering rhododendron was a hybrid raised at Portmeirion in 1938. We will also be offering an […]
Garden Festival Launch
Lord Langford hosted guided tours of their spectacular garden to launch the 2018 Festival of Gardens North Wales last Saturday 2nd June. Bodrhyddan Hall was open on the launch day, June 2, from 2-6pm with house and garden tours, and afternoon tea. Visitors were welcomed by Lord Langford, Owain Rowley Conwy, who succeeded his war hero father, the 9th Baron Langford, who passed away last November at the age of 105. He and his son Tom Rowley Conwy, were honored that Bodrhyddan Hall hosted the launch 2018 event and was excited to open the garden he so loved as a child to so many members of the public. At Bodrhyddan the parterre had been planted up with seasonal bedding including eye-catching begonias which offered an unmissable splash of colour. It has been the seat of the Langford family for 500 years, though its design has been significantly changed and extended over the centuries. The beautiful gardens included luxuriant lawns, an extensive pleasance, waterfall and lily pond, and ornamental flower beds designed by renowned architect William Eden Nesfield during the Victorian era. Images from the launch is available here
New Tree Trail at Portmeirion

Portmeirion is pleased to announce the launch of the new Tree Trail. The Tree Trail is a guide to 80 trees in the Portmeirion woodlands including 57 Champion Trees, some of the largest trees in Britain. A special Tree Trail Guidebook has been developed and is available to purchase from the Portmeirion Welcome Centre. Portmeirion is home to a 70-acre sub-tropical forest with an exciting diversity of plants. Surrounded by the dramatic panorama of the Snowdonia mountains and tidal estuary on a sheltered peninsula, Portmeirion benefits from a sub-tropical microclimate which provides excellent growing conditions for an abundance of exotic large specimen ornamental trees including the American Red Oak and Japanese Zelkova as well as many springtime blossoming cherry trees. Native and exotic trees line the main driveway to Portmeirion and Castell Deudraeth including the Chilean Southern Beech, Indian Horse chestnut and Californian Giant Redwood. The main village is home to Irish Yews, Austrian Black Pines and Chinese Windmill Palms as well as a Mediterranean Bay Tree (Champion Tree), North American Tulip Tree (Champion Tree) and Italian Cypress. Visitors will find a variety of native and exotic trees in the woodlands including the Chinese Water Fir (Champion Tree), Japanese Flowering […]